INVITATION: rosa mosa x DoverStreetMarket Ginza event, Oct. 19th

Open day @ DoverStreetMarket Ginza with rosa mosa, 19th Oct.

13:00-14:00 "Chopstick Piano" Performance by Sami El in the Rose Bakery 7F
14:00-15:00 Talk event by artist Mari Katayama in the Rose Bakery 7F
16:00-17:00 Event on 2F with photographer, Michael Alvedon

16:00 - 19:00 special performance by rosa mosa with
'augmented sculptures' by Christian Ruschitzka - drinks and more on 3F

17:00~18:00 Book signing for SSAW magazine on 5F
18:00-19:00 In store live by band VOWWS on 5F
20:00 Store Close

6-9-5 Chuo-ku, Ginza
104-0061 Tokyo, Japan

artwork: Christian Ruschitzka

